Known since ancient times, chaga beverage is the modern day strength drink. An ideal way to get your daily energy naturally. Chaganol (ChagaBoost Strength Drink) is a wholesome, wild food that is good for the entire family. Chaganol contains no caffeine or other stimulants; the energy is natural from the sun-rippened chaga plus wild, raw honey and wild, raw backberry extract. This is a delicious drink, take your Chaganol daily and feel the difference.
Ingredients: Fitered water, wild Siberian chaga extract, wild raw flower honey, wild raw blackberry extract, birch tree syrup, organic wild oregano oil, and cinnamon oil.
Directions: Drink hot or cold, 2 to 4 ounces per day. You may drink the beverage straight or diluted with water. Try the drink as a hot tea, adding honey, yacon syrup, milk or cream. Refrigerate after opening.