Wart Control is an all natural, Certified Organic, topical treatment, proven to eliminate warts (body, flat, plantar, and genital), without scarring or surgery. It permanently eliminates warts, without recurrence.
The active constituents of Wart Control are highly specialized and are proven to defeat the wart and HPV virus. Wart Control also contains a very high level of thujone, which has been proven to kill the wart virus.
It is also designed for more chronic cases of warts, which are present for long periods of time, or when a person is faced with treating multiple warts on the body. This provides an extra kick to jump start immune parameters.
Wart Control is made from 100% pure and natural essential oils and plant extracts, grown organically in remote regions, high in the North American mountains.
Warts are treated locally with acid or a chemical solution, as they were in the past. Some cases are even treated by cauterization (burning the warts) by skin doctors. All such measures, it has been observed, are usually temporary and the warts reappear.
The pure essential oils in Wart Control have the remarkable ability to penetrate into cell membranes, to provide a wide spectrum of action against the wart and HPV virus. No other topical product can penetrate into the cells with the speed and efficiency of pure essential oils.
The oils are lipophilic, which means that they are soluble in fatty tissue and cell membranes. This allows the anti-viral properties to be absorbed by cell membranes, where it kills the wart virus.
Apply a few drops to cotton swab and dab directly to warts 3 times each day. Product can also be applied neet to warts. If you experience irritation from use, wash area with warm soapy water before further applications and apply less product. Applying a band aid after application may be of benefit.
Wart Control
Wart Control is a breakthrough in the medicinal treatment of warts. Originally "Wart Control ", this is now the only certified organic wart removal on the market also registered with the FDA as homeopathic medicine. It is approved for over the counter sales and doctor recommended.
Treatment features our famous dual modality approach to treating warts. It combines certified organic ingredients with homeopathic medicine, which activates immune parameters to allow your body to fight warts naturally, with soothing botanicals to help promote healthy skin. These added botanicals also expand and support the action of the homeopathics. This is a proprietary formula manufactured only by Forces of Nature.
The lipophilic formula absorbs deep into skin tissue, where it works on a cellular level to effectively get rid of warts of all types. These include common, plantar, Periungual warts, Mosaic warts, and others caused by HPV - human papillomavirus. Wart Control also helps promote healthy skin.
The naturally occurring active ingredients in Wart Control include Thuja Occidentalis, and Phytolacca Americana. These are remedies for warts and wart-like substances. They contain powerful naturally occurring compounds such as thujone, camphene and d-sabinene.
The botanicals in Wart Control are rich in lemonine and terpinol-4. These help promote healthy skin.
Active Ingredients:
Calendula Officinalis 6X HPUS, Phytolacca Americana 6X HPUS, Thuja Occidentalis 6X HPUS
Other Ingredients:
Canadian Thuja Occidentalis, Spanish Citrus Limonum, Australian Melaleuca Alternifolia, Madagascar Pelargonium Graveolens
I can't thank you enough. We had struggled for several months trying various remedies trying to rid our 7-year-old son of plantar's warts, all to no avail. I was beginning to feel very disheartened by our lack of success, especially considering I had no intention of taking him for conventional medical treatment of the condition (realizing the invasive nature and pain that type of treatment would entail).
I found your site via a search on the topic and read the many, many glowing testimonials. With a little trepidation, but with even greater hope, I placed an order.
The product arrived in a timely fashion, and we diligently followed the prescribed instructions to apply the solution three times a day. We followed this procedure religiously for two weeks. Nearing the end of the two week mark the warts began to slough off as scabs revealing healthy tissue underneath
One of these lesions in particular had festered in a spot on my son's foot where there had been a break in the skin prior to contracting the plantar's wart. It was positively gruesome looking; I feared that it would prove so stubborn that no treatment would affect it.
Further, I was concerned that if the lesion did heal that he would be left with some scarring or disfiguration, so tenacious was this wart. While I did get anxious in the case of this specific lesion and performed some manual detriment, I was thrilled and relieved to see normal, healthy tissue beneath the scab!
This had not been the case with any other product, or method of treatment we had tried. Always the wart returned even after debriding the area. Needless to say I cannot thank you enough for your "miracle" product.
It certainly was a miracle for us, and I am telling everyone I know about it!
Ms. Lisa A. Vranizan
"To Whom It May Concern - Wanted to let you know that your product was a miracle come true! My daughter had warts all over her hands- bottoms, tops, under fingernails, sides - you name it! We used your product and ALL of her warts are gone! TRULY AMAZING! I could hardly believe how they started to disappear.
We tried to use the product regularly right before bed. We applied the oil to a band aid and then placed a band aid over each wart each night. After a couple weeks, the little monsters just started disappearing.
Thank you very, very much...keep the testimonials flowing on your site! They got me started, and now I am a believer. My daughter even more so!! left."
J. Snyder. Omaha, NE