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What Is The Attend Strategy Pac? Växa's Attend Strategy Pac, a Scientifically Advanced Neurological and Cerebral homeopathic medicinal strategy, is a 3-formula health strategy that offers safe, all natural nutritional support for those individuals experiencing distraction, inattentiveness and possible overactivity. It is thought that such individuals experience neurochemical deficiencies resulting in an imbalance in stimulation of the Reticular Activating System which may affect neural growth and neurotransmitter production within the Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS).
When under the care of a physician, the Attend Strategy Pac may be useful to nutritionally supplement the strategy being utilized.
Attend is formulated to supply the essential nutrients the body needs for the entire neural network.
Memorin+ provides nutritional support to aid the body in memory retention, making learning easier and with less frustration.
Extress aids the body's natural process in minimizing and controlling unpredictable mood fluctuations.
The homeopathic ingredients in VÄXA Attend support the body's ability to:
Support focus and concentration
Maintain healthy brain and cognitive function
- Promote mental alertness
- Promote a balanced mood
- Aid periodic bouts of distress, nervousness, and hyperactivity
- Maintain proper information processing, understanding, and retrieval
The homeopathic ingredients in VÄXA Extress support the body's ability to:
- Aid periodic bouts of distress and nervousness
Promote muscle relaxation
- Assist in bothersome mood swings
- Encourage restful sleep
- Promote a healthy immune system
The homeopathic ingredients in VÄXA Memorin support the body's ability:
Promote healthy brain and cognitive function
Support prompt and quick memory recall
- Promote mental alertness
- Maintain proper information processing, understanding, and retrieval
All the products in the VÄXA Attend Strategy Pac have an advanced multi-dimensional formulation which incorporates homeopathic remedies as well as herbal and nutritional components which address all areas of attention difficulties. Plus, all three products are free of gluten. Let the VÄXA Attend Strategy Pac help you or a loved one today. Reclaim your focus, concentration, and memory back!
Suggested Usage for Attend Strategy Pac
Attend - 60 capsules per bottle. Take 2 to 4 capsules daily, or as directed by a physician. During periods of attention or concentration difficulties, take 3 capsules twice daily for 2 to 4 weeks, or a directed by a physician.
Extress - 60 capsules per bottle. When feeling stress or tension, take 3 to 4 capsules every 3 hours, or as directed. by a physician. Thereafter, take 2 to 4 capsules every morning for maintenance.
Memorin+ - 60 capsules per bottle. Take 2 to 4 capsules daily for 4 to 6 weeks, or as directed by a physician. Thereafter, take 1 to 2 capsules daily, or as directed by a physician. Do not take within 3 hours of attempting to sleep.