Face Doctor Soap Information / Face Doctor Soap Review
Look Rejuvenated! Look your best!
~Medicated Soap
~ Rejuvenating Soap
~ Beauty Cream
~ Slimming Cream
~ Antibacterial Shampoo
~ Hair & Scalp Conditioner
About Face Doctor
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About Face Doctor
Face Doctor is a famous and a reliable name for herbal Chinese rejuvenating & medicated soaps, beauty creams and cosmetics. After more than 30 years of medical research, a team of Chinese doctors isolated a small parasite called Human Demodex that caused people's complexions to become rough, lumpy and reddish. The parasite resembles a microscopic worm that feeds off the skin and is light sensitive. Face Doctor Herbal Beauty Soap was developed to counter the effects of this tiny parasite. The all-natural soap isn't like ordinary medicated soaps. It uses the oil from the ancient seabuckthorn herb found in Tibet to effectively correct bad complexions from the inside out. It was awarded the 14th Annual Salon International Award for inventions in Geneva, Switzerland.
Face Doctor Soaps are made from natural plant extracts that were developed to deal with the causes of ugly skin such as redness, enlarged pores, acne, skin blotches, rosacea and premature aging. They have cleansing effects too. Similarly, facial cream product acts as a moisturizer and has the same active ingredient found in the soap. Antibacterial Shampoo and Conditioner will leave your hair extremely smooth and silky. The conditioner will be the ideal hair conditioner to use right after using their award winning shampoo.
Face Doctor Products Dramatically Reduces Redness Caused by Rosacea.
An independent double-blind placebo study conducted by Dr. Neil Bhatia, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, clinically proves that Face Doctor Products, a line of skin and hair products containing a proprietary blend of Seabuck Thorn Oil, Vitamin E, Aloe and other key ingredients, dramatically reduces redness and inflammation caused by rosacea, dermatitis and acne. According to Web site www.rosacea.org, more than 14 million Americans suffer from rosacea or “red face” and other debilitating skin ailments that detrimentally affect the quality of their lives and overall lifestyle.
Face Doctor Products
Face Doctor Rejuvenating Soap
Face Surgeon Medicated Soap
Face Doctor Beauty Cream
Slim Surgeon Slimming Cream
Hair and Scalp Doctor Conditioner
Hair and Scalp Doctor Antibacterial Shampoo
Face Doctor's achievement and awards for its effectiveness
The First Chinese National Invention Award
The 14th International Invention Award, Geneva
The Second Science And Technology Award, Shandong
The Chinese State General Medical Bureau Award
The First International Patent and New Technology Golden Prize
The National Chinese May 1st Labor Award
Face Doctor Products in Research & News
Placebo study: A double-blinded placebo-driven study on a select group of patients with the diagnoses of Rosacea.
Dermatologists Breakthrough Study in the Fight Against Acne & Rosacea: How does human demodex reproduce and live in the skin?
Medical white paper on rosacea: There's more to the red face than meets the eye!
The Telegram- Metro/Provincial News
What is Rosacea? 15 Million Americans & Canadians Have Rosacea And Most Don't Know It.
Seeing Red The Standard (St. Catharines)- Rosacea is a chronic and progressive facial skin disorder that if left unchecked can turn into a permanently ruddy complexion later in life and may distort facial features
Facedoctor Products Dramatically Reduces Redness Caused by Rosacea. Key ingredient Seabuck Thorn kills mites that cause Rosacea.
Say goodbye to rosacea; sea buckthorn oils found to help- Important information for a Healthy Lifestyle
Awards: Achievement Awards for its Effectiveness
Agriculture Canada research on Sea Buckthorn
Is human Demodex effecting your skin? Human Demodex is a parasite that lives in the human hair follicle.
Channel 33 abc Youngstown: The Face Doctor Len Rome's Local Health
Putting a face to skin rejuvenation: By Nicki Cruickshank
Robyn Chambers Times: A new method to save face
Mississauga (ON) news: Acne Breakthrough Treatment
Miramichi Leader- Treatment promises help for rosacea sufferers
The Sudbury star- A break for people with skin problems
Airdrie Echo Airdri AB: New treatment for rosacea seems promising
News Report: Backed with 30 years Clinical Reasearch Acne/Rosacea/Psoriasis/Eczema cause Identified.
The Edge: Acne/Rosacea/Psoriasis/Eczema Cause Finally Identified
Rosacea fix touted: By SUN MEDIA
Eyelash Creatures: Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in your pores.
Featured Article in Oxygen Magazine: Is your Workout giving you zits?
Featured article in First for woman magazine: News! Real cause of acne rosacea discovered
Examination of Demodex- How do we detect demodex?
What are the basic conditions for Human Demodex to cause diseases?- Using the survey and study method of taking sebum localization
What is Demodex Infectiosity? What are the Differences Between Demodex Infectiosity and Incidence of Demodex?
Canadian pharmacies launch Acne / Rosacea breakthrough treatment
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